Opening Hours: Tues - Fri 12pm - 8pm | Sat 11am - 6pm | Sun 1pm - 6pm | Closed on Mondays and Public Holidays

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About Yarning Hearts


Knitting & Crochet Consultation Services

Have knitting/crocheting queries or want to learn knitting/crocheting at your own pace?

Make an appointment and drop in for a consultation with the staff at Yarning Hearts**

**Consultation is capped at two pax. Consultation is dependent on available knowledge of staff. In the event a staff is not able to provide the consultation, it will be made known to the client.

Book your slot here:

Lyrical Threads 2025

Lyrical Threads is a platform to facilitate the expression of our personal thoughts and feelings in a beautiful way - be in through crafts, words or our own life. Each session of Lyrical Threads will feature a speaker who will share of their journey and experience in a particular area of craft, product or life experience. We hope that through their sharing, you too may be inspired to learn a new craft or embark on a new adventure in life. A bulk of the time at Lyrical Threads will be spent working on your own craft project and mingling with new and familiar faces.

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Crafting Naturally

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Featured Workshops

Here at Yarning Hearts, we curate the best Fibre Craft Experience for you and your learning needs. Browse below to view the different workshops offerings.

Click Here to Check Out the Latest Workshops or browse featured Workshops below.

Embroidery Sampler Workshop with Momshoo

16 February 2025 (Sun)
2 pm - 5 pm

This workshop will introduce basic hand embroidery techniques to create a mushroom embroidery sampler. Learn how to transfer images onto fabric and try your hand at sewing outline and filling embroidery stitches. The focus of the class is to learn various stitches so you will be equipped with the knowledge to create any image in embroidery. This traditional craft technique is a versatile medium, with contemporary applications such as in illustrations or embellishment of fabric products. With the take-home kit (consisting of an embroidery hoop, needle, threaders, pincushion, embroidery stitch guide), participants can further explore the techniques on their own after the workshop. Workshop is open to all experience levels including beginners.

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Embroider Mending with Momshoo

22 February 2025 (Sat)
10 am - 1 pm

Dive into the art of repairing your garments and other personal fabric articles!

Drawing inspirations from age-old textile-repair traditions like boroboro in Japan or Kantha in India (or the old-school thrifty habits of our grandparents!), the movement of visible mending is growing. 

In this workshop, we explore how to mend your textiles creatively with embroidery techniques. A variety of methods will be introduced to cover up holes/stains and prevent tears from getting bigger.

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Sashiko Art Coaster Workshop

2 March 2025 (Sun)
2 pm - 5 pm

The workshop seeks to introduce the Japanese traditional folk embroidery that reflects its rich cultural significance and history in sashiko art handstitching. 

Participants will learn the hand stitching technique of sashiko running stitches on a geometric pattern, which will further equip them to attempt bigger and more complex sashiko motif once mastered the basic techniques. For the adventurous learners, they can move on to mend up torn up areas in clothing or shoes with the sashiko stitches, or simply turned them into an art of itself. 

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Resources & Thoughts

Crafting Naturally...

"In a ball of yarn is the potential to make a dream that you have come true." - Melanie Falick

Making Purposefully...

"At first glance, it may appear too hard. Look again. Always look again..."

Inspire beautifully...

"Create what makes your heart dance and your soul sing."

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